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    Percentage of Impurities in Different Natural Fibers

    Percentage of Impurities in Different Natural Fibers

    Impurities in Different Natural Fiber
    S. M. Hossen Uzzal
    B.Sc. in Textile Technology
    Noakhali Textile Engineering College
    Email: smhossen.tex@gmail.com

    Impurities in different natural fiber:
    The term impurity is used to described material other than fiber which is found in raw or processed stock. Generally, impurities must be removed during the spinning process, so the type and amount of impurity is also of importance to the yarn manufacturer. 

    Every natural textile fiber is made with a little bit of impurities which are totally unusable. Before use that fiber its need to remove those impurities from the fiber with keeps the useable part of that fiber. Various quantities of impurities and various types of impurities are included in textile natural fiber. Every natural fiber, impurities and quantities are given blew. 

    Cotton Fiber:
    Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part of the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. 
    The name and the percentage of impurities are given blew.

    Protein ---------------------------------1.3% 
    Pectin’s --------------------------------1.2% 
    Oil, Fat, Wax --------------------------0.6% 
    Mineral Matters ----------------------- 1.3% 
    Ash ------------------------------------0.5% 
    Others ---------------------------------1.1% 
    Total Impurities -------------------------6% 

    Cellulose ------------------------------- 94% 
    Total: -----------------------------------------100% 

    NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in cotton fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high. 

    Jute Fiber: 
    Jute fiber is a multi-cellulose fiber and the main useable element is cellulose in this fiber. Generally 65% Cellulose and 35% impurities are including in a jute fiber, It could be less or high. 
    Jute fiber
    Percentage and the name of impurities in jute are given blew. 

    Hemicelluloses ---------------------------22.2% 
    Lignin ------------------------------------10.8% 
    Color pigment, Regions and others --------2.0% 
    Total Impurities ---------------------------35% 

    Cellulose ----------------------------------65% 
    Total: --------------------------------------------100% 

    NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in Jute fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high. 

    Wool Fiber: 
    Wool is a natural animal fiber. The authentic element of wool is keratin. 61% keratin and 39% impurities are made-up the natural animal wool fiber. The impurities are Wool Wax or grease, Suint, dirt, burrs, minaret meters, water and others. Let’s have a look of percentage. It’s could be less of high. 
    Wool fiber
    Percentage and the name of impurities in wool are given blew.

    Wool Wax or grease -----------------------11% 
    Dirt -----------------------------------------8% 
    Burrs minaret meters, Water and others -----12% 
    Total Impurities -----------------------------39% 

    Keratin -------------------------------------61% 
    Total: --------------------------------------------- 100% 

    NB: Keratin is the main useable element in Wool fiber & the quantity of impurities and Keratin could be less or high. 

    Silk Fiber: 
    Silk is a natural animal fiber which one is produce from silk worm. Sericin is the main impurities in the silk fiber. Fibroin is the main element is the main part of the silk its called pure silk. 
    Silk fiber
    Percentage of impurities of silk fiber are given blew. 

    Sericin -------------------------------------22% 
    Wax -------------------------------------- 1.5% 
    Mineral salt, color, Pigment and others -----0.5% 
    Total Impurities ----------------------------24% 

    Fibroin ------------------------------------76% 
    Total: --------------------------------------------100% 

    NB: Fibroin is the main useable element in Silk fiber & the quantity of impurities and fibroin could be less or high.

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